Conditions For Trading In Fire Prevention And Fighting Means, Equipment And Materials
Requirements on fire prevention and fighting means, equipment and supplies are mandatory for some establishments, and many establishment owners voluntarily equip themselves to protect their lives and those around them. Therefore, more and more individuals and organizations trade in fire protection equipment. So what are the trading conditions for this item?
Post content:
- 1. What are fire prevention and fighting equipment?
- Motorized fire fighting equipment:
- Common fire fighting means:
- Extinguishing agent: Water, fire-extinguishing powder, fire-extinguishing gas, fire-extinguishing foam.
- Materials and flame retardants:
- Personal protective equipment and clothing:
- Means of rescue:
- Demolition vehicles and tools:
- Equipment and tools for communication and fire command include:
- Fire alarm system, fire fighting:
- 2. What is the business line of the establishment?
- 3. Conditions for trading in fire prevention and fighting means, equipment and supplies
- 4. Conditions for being granted certificates of training in knowledge of fire prevention and fighting
- 5. Procedures for applying for a certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting service business.
- 6. Administrative sanctioning measures for trading in fire prevention and fighting means, equipment and supplies
- 7. Legal grounds
1. What are fire prevention and fighting equipment?
Fire prevention and fighting means, equipment, supplies or means of fire prevention and fighting include motor vehicles, equipment, machines, tools, chemicals, and specialized supporting tools for fire prevention and fighting. Fire, life and property rescue is specified in the list of fire prevention and fighting equipment as prescribed by law. As follows:
Motorized fire fighting equipment:
a) Types of ordinary fire fighting vehicles: fire trucks with tanks, fire trucks without tanks (pump trucks).
b) Special fire fighting vehicles: Airport fire trucks, forest fire trucks, chemical fire trucks, anti-riot fire trucks, etc.
c) Firefighting aircraft; ships, fireboats.
d) Specialized vehicles for fire fighting: ladder trucks, forklifts, command vehicles, light communication vehicles, pumping station trucks, water trucks, vehicle trucks, army trucks, chemical trucks, emergency vehicles, ambulances, rescue vehicles, smoke trucks, technical vehicles…
dd) Types of fire fighting pumps: Hand-carrying pumps, trailer pumps, floating pumps.
Common fire fighting means:
a) Fire hose, suction pipe.
b) Firefighting mausoleum.
c) Connector, three prongs, two fire hydrants, Ezector.
d) Filter basket.
d) Water poles, fire hydrants.
e) Fire fighting ladder (ladder 3, ladder 2, box ladder, hook ladder, other ladder).
g) Fire extinguishers (portable, with wheels): Powder, foam, gas, etc.
Extinguishing agent: Water, fire-extinguishing powder, fire-extinguishing gas, fire-extinguishing foam.
Materials and flame retardants:
a) Flame retardant paint.
b) Flame retardant materials.
c) Flame retardant impregnation.
Personal protective equipment and clothing:
a) Fire fighting clothing: Pants, shirt, hat, boots, gloves, belt, fire fighting mask; insulating boots and gloves; insulated clothing; chemical resistant clothing; radiation-resistant clothing.
b) Respirator respirator, isolation respirator, respirator, respirator, gas respirator for respirator.
Means of rescue:
Lifesaving ropes, life-saving cushions, life-saving ladders (rope ladders, folding ladders…), life-saving tubes, people-detecting devices…
Demolition vehicles and tools:
a) Cutter, tractor, ball machine, jacking machine, lifting machine operated by pneumatic, hydraulic, electric or motor.
b) Pliers, hand saw, hammer, crowbar…
Equipment and tools for communication and fire command include:
a) Fire command desk, fire command tent.
b) Wired information system.
c) Radio communication system.
Fire alarm system, fire fighting:
a) Automatic and semi-automatic fire alarm system.
b) Automatic and semi-automatic fire fighting system (by gas, water, powder, foam), indoor fire hydrant system, outdoor fire fighting water supply system./.
2. What is the business line of the establishment?
According to current regulations, trading in fire prevention and fighting means, equipment and supplies belongs to the business of fire prevention and fighting services, which is a conditional business. Therefore, besides being established in accordance with the law, enterprises and business establishments must meet other conditions.
3. Conditions for trading in fire prevention and fighting means, equipment and supplies
Enterprises and establishments trading in fire prevention and fighting equipment must satisfy the following conditions:
- The head of the enterprise and the legal representative of the establishment must have a diploma or certificate of training in knowledge of fire prevention and fighting.
- There are at least 02 people with certificates of training in knowledge of fire prevention and fighting suitable to business activities.
- Having an operating location and facilities, means and equipment to ensure the business of fire prevention and fighting vehicles, equipment and supplies.
- Certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting service business is granted by the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency .
4. Conditions for being granted certificates of training in knowledge of fire prevention and fighting
An individual to be granted a certificate of training in knowledge of fire prevention and fighting must undergo a refresher course on knowledge of fire prevention and fighting for at least 6 months.
5. Procedures for applying for a certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting service business.
Step 1: Submit your application
An application for certification of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting service business includes:
- A written request for certification of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting service business.
- A copy of the business registration certificate or the operation registration certificate of the enterprise or establishment.
- List of individuals with certificates of training in fire prevention and fighting knowledge; accompanied by a copy of the certificate and a copy of the individual’s employment decision or labor contract.
- Copies of diplomas certifying the individual’s professional qualifications.
- Documents proving the conditions of physical foundations, means and equipment to ensure business activities.
Step 2: Check and issue a certificate
Within 07 working days from the date of receipt of a valid dossier as prescribed, the competent fire prevention and fighting police agency must organize an inspection of the conditions of the operation location, facilities and equipment. substances, means and equipment to ensure business activities. The test results must be recorded. If the enterprise or establishment meets the prescribed conditions, the fire prevention and fighting police agency shall issue a certificate of satisfaction of conditions for providing fire prevention and fighting services; In case of refusal, there must be a written reply, clearly stating the reason.
6. Administrative sanctioning measures for trading in fire prevention and fighting means, equipment and supplies
According to current regulations, a fine ranging from VND 5,000,000 to VND 8,000,000 shall be imposed for trading in fire prevention and fighting means and equipment when the conditions for facilities, professional and technical skills are not fully satisfied. have not been trained or professionally trained in fire prevention and fighting as prescribed
7. Legal grounds
Law on fire prevention and fighting 2001, amended and supplemented in 2013;
Decree No. 79/2014/ND-CP;
Decree No. 167/2013/ND-CP;
Circular No. 66/2014/TT-BCA.
Above is some information about conditions for trading in fire prevention and fighting vehicles, equipment and supplies. This is a conditional business, so business owners should carefully study the legal regulations before and during the business process to conduct business activities legally and effectively.
Technical Standards (TCVN) & Technical Regulations (QCVN) – Tiếng Anh
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