Technical Standards (TCVN) & Technical Regulations (QCVN) – Tiếng Anh
No. | Code | Content | Download |
1 | 11 TCN 18:2006 | 11 TCN 18-2006 Regulations on electrical installations – Part I. General provisions.pdf | |
2 | 11 TCN 19:2006 | 11 TCN 19-2006 Regulations on electrical installations – Part II. Electrical wiring system.pdf | |
3 | 11 TCN 20:2006 | 11 TCN 20-2006 Regulations on electrical installations – Part III. Power distribution devices and electrical substation.pdf | |
4 | 11 TCN 21:1984 | 11 TCN 21-1984 Electrical appliance regulation – Part IV. Distribution equipments and distribution substation.pdf | |
5 | 11 TCN 21:2006 | 11 TCN 21-2006 Electrical equipments norms – Part IV. Protection and automation.pdf | |
6 | 20 TCXD 188:1996 | 20 TCXD 188-1996 Urban wastewater – waste standard.pdf | |
7 | 20 TCXD 229:1999 | 20 TCXD 229-1999 Guidelines on caculating dynamics of wind load capacity under TCVN 2737-1995.pdf | |
8 | 22 TCN 5729:1997 | 22 TCN 5729-1997 Duong oto cao toc.pdf | |
9 | TCXD 286:2003 | 286-2003 TCXDVN Thi cong dong va ep coc.pdf | |
10 | TCVN 5729:1997 | TCVN 5729-1997 Freeway-Expressway.pdf | |
11 | QCVN 10:2014 | BXD_21-2014-TT-BXD_29122014_QCVN.signed.pdf | |
12 | Hydrological Standard | Hydrological Standard.docx | |
13 | List TCXD | List hệ thống tiêu chuẩn xây dựng VN | |
14 | QCVN 05:2009 | QCVN 05-2009 BTNMT National Technical Regulation on ambient airquality.pdf | |
15 | QCVN 06:2009 | QCVN 06-2009 BTNMT National Technical Regulation on hazardous substances in ambient air.pdf | |
16 | QCVN 06:2010 | QCVN 06-2010 BXD Vietnam Building Code on Fire Safety of Buildings.pdf | |
17 | QCVN 06:2020 | QCVN 06-2020 BXD thong tu 07_2010_TT-BXD_110902 phong chay chua chay.doc | |
18 | QCVN 07:2010 | QCVN 07-2010 BTTTT National technical regulation on optical interfaces for network interconnection equipments relating to the Syunchronous Digital Hierarchy.pdf | |
19 | QCVN 08:2008 | QCVN 08-2008 BTNMT National Technical Regulation on surface water quality.pdf | |
20 | QCVN 08:2009 | QCVN 08-2009 BXD Vietnam building code for Urban underground structures Part 2-The parkings.pdf | |
21 | QCVN 08:2018 | QCVN 08-2018 thong tu 11_2018_TT-BXD_406692 thiet ke ga tau dien ngam.doc | |
22 | QCVN 09:2008 | QCVN 09-2008 BTNMT National Technical Regulation on underground water quality.pdf | |
23 | QCVN 09:2010 | QCVN 09-2010 BTTTT National technical regulation on earthing of telecommunication stations.pdf | |
24 | QCVN 10:2008 | QCVN 10-2008 BTNMT National technical regulation on coastal water quality.pdf | |
25 | QCVN 10:2014 | QCVN 10-2014 thong tu 21_2014_TT-BXD_367180 nguoi tan tat_E.doc | |
26 | QCVN 15:2008 | QCVN 15-2008 BTNMT National technical regulation on the pesticide residues in the soils.pdf | |
27 | QCVN 20:2009 | QCVN 20-2009 BTNMT National technical regulation on industrial emission of organic substances.pdf | |
28 | QCVN 22:2009 | QCVN 22 2009 BTNMT National technical regulation on emission of thermal power industry.pdf | |
29 | QCVN 24:2009 | QCVN 24-2009 BTNMT National technical regulation on industrial wastewater.pdf | |
30 | QCVN 26:2010 | QCVN 26-2010 BTNMT National Technical Regulation on Noise.pdf | |
31 | QCVN 27:2010 | QCVN 27-2010 BTNMT National Technical Regulation on Vibration.pdf | |
32 | QCVN 32:2011 | QCVN 32-2011 BTTTT National technical regulation on lightning protection for telecommunication stations and outside cable network.pdf | |
33 | 02/2007/QD-BCN | QD 02-2007 BCN Regulation on technical requirements of power metering equipments for power plants.pdf | |
34 | TCVN 2622:1995 | TCVN 2622-1995 Fire Prevention Standards (En).pdf | |
35 | TCVN 2622:1995 | TCVN 2622-1995 Fire protection of building-Design requirements.pdf | |
36 | TCVN 2737:1995 | TCVN 2737-1995 English.pdf | |
37 | TCVN 2737:1995 | TCVN 2737-1995 Loads and actions-Design standard.pdf | |
38 | TCVN 3254:1989 | TCVN 3254-1989 Fire protection-General safety requirements.pdf | |
39 | TCVN 3890:2009 | TCVN 3890-2009 Fire protection requirements for building and construction-Providing, installation, inspection, maintenance.pdf | |
40 | TCVN 4054:1998 | TCVN 4054-1998-English (Revised).doc | |
41 | TCVN 4088:1997 | TCVN 4088-1997 Climatic data for building design.pdf | |
42 | TCVN 4513:1988 | TCVN 4513-1988 Internal water supply-Design standard.pdf | |
43 | TCVN 5040:1990 | TCVN 5040-1990 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting-Graphical symbols for fire protection plans-Specifications.pdf | |
44 | TCVN 5307:2009 | TCVN 5307-2009 Petroleum and petroleum products terminal-Design requirements.pdf | |
45 | TCVN 5502:2003 | TCVN 5502-2003 Domestic supply water-Quality requirements.pdf | |
46 | TCVN 5574:2012 | TCVN 5574-2012 Concrete and rainforced concrete structure-Design standard.pdf | |
47 | TCVN 5687:2010 | TCVN 5687-2010 Ventilation-Air-Conditioning-Design standards.pdf | |
48 | TCVN 5729:2007 | TCVN 5729-2007-Eng.doc | |
49 | TCVN 5729:2007 | TCVN 5729-2007-Eng_2.pdf | |
50 | TCVN 5738:2001 | TCVN 5738-2001 Automatic fire alarm system-Technical requirements.pdf | |
51 | TCVN 5760:1993 | TCVN 5760-1993 Fire extinguishing system-General requirements for projects, installation and utilize.pdf | |
52 | TCVN 5945:2010 | TCVN 5945-2010 Industrial waste water-Discharge standards.pdf | |
53 | TCVN 6100:1996 | TCVN 6100-1996 Fire protection-Fire extinguishing media-Arbon dioxide.pdf | |
54 | TCVN 6101:1996 | TCVN 6101-1996 Fire protection equipment carbon dioxide extinguishing systems for use premises design and installation.pdf | |
55 | TCVN 6102:1996 | TCVN 6102-1996 Fire protection-Fire etinguishing media-Powder.pdf | |
56 | TCVN 6305-1:2007 | TCVN 6305-1-2007 Fire protection-Automatic sprinkler systems-Part 1. Requirements and test methods for sprinklers.pdf | |
57 | TCVN 6305-11:2006 | TCVN 6305-11-2006 Fire protection-Automatic sprinkler systems-Part 11. Requirements and test methods for pipe hangers.pdf | |
58 | TCVN 6305-2:2007 | TCVN 6305-2-2007 Fire protection-Automatic sprinkler systems-Part 2. Requirements and test methods for wet alarm valves, retard chambers and water motor alarms.pdf | |
59 | TCVN 6305-3:2007 | TCVN 6305-3-2007 Fire protection-Automatic sprinkler systems-Part 3. Requirements and test methods for dry pipe valve.pdf | |
60 | TCVN 6305-4:1997 | TCVN 6305-4-1997 Fire protection-Automatic sprinkler systems-Part 4. Requirements and test methods for quick-opening devices.pdf | |
61 | TCVN 6305-5:2009 | TCVN 6305-5-2009 Fire protection-Automatic sprinkler systems-Part 5. Requirements and test methods for deluge valves.pdf | |
62 | TCVN 6305-7:2006 | TCVN 6305-7-2006 Fire protection-Automatic sprinkler systems-Part 7. Requirements and test methods for early suppression fast response (esfr) sprinkler.pdf | |
63 | TCVN 6379:1998 | TCVN 6379-1998 Fire protection equipment-Fire hydrant-Technical requirements.pdf | |
64 | TCVN 7435-1:2004 | TCVN 7435-1-2004 Fire protection-Portable and wheeled fire extinguisher-Part 1. Selection and installation.pdf | |
65 | TCVN 7880:2008 | TCVN 7880-2008 Road vehicles-Noise emitted from automobiles-Requirements and test methods in type approval.pdf | |
66 | TCVN 7881:2008 | TCVN 7881-2008 Road vehicles – Noise emitted from motorcycles-Requirements and tét methods in type approval.pdf | |
67 | TCVN 7882:2008 | TCVN 7882-2008 Road vehicles – Noise emitted from mopeds-Requirements and test methods in type approval.pdf | |
68 | TCVN 8238:2009 | TCVN 8238-2009 Telecommunication network-Metallic cables for local telephone networks.pdf | |
69 | TCVN 8687:2011 | TCVN 8687-2011 Power plant-48VDC for telecommunication equipment-Technical requirements.pdf | |
70 | TCVN 9255:2012 | TCVN 9255-2012 Performance standards in building-Definition and calculation of area and space indicators.pdf | |
71 | TCVN 9386-1:2012 | TCVN 9386-1-2012 Design of structures for earthquake resistances-Part 1. General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings.pdf | |
72 | TCVN 3905:1984 | TCVN 3905-1984_901881.pdf | |
73 | TCVN 4054:2005 | TCVN 4054-2005 English.doc | |
74 | TCVN 4054:1998 | TCVN 4054-1998 (Eng).doc | |
75 | TCVN 4054:1998 | TCVN 4054-1998-English.doc | |
76 | TCVN English | TCVNs-English.xlsx | |
77 | TCXD 205:1998 | TCXD 205-1998 Pile foundation-Specifications for design.pdf | |
78 | TCXD 206:1998 | TCXD 206-1998 Bored pile-Requirements for Quality of Construction.pdf | |
79 | TCXD 218:1998 | TCXD 218-1998 Fire detection and alarm systems-General.pdf | |
80 | TCXDVN 327:2004 | TCXDVN 327-2004 Chong an mon BTCT_English.docx | |
81 | TCXDVN 33:2006 | TCXDVN 33-2006 Design standard water supply-External networks and facilities.pdf | |
82 | TCXDVN 333:2005 | TCXDVN 333-2005 Artificial outdoor lighting for public buildings and urban infrastructure-Design standard.pdf | |
83 | TCXDVN 375:2006 | TCXDVN 375-2006 (Earthquake) Thiet ke cong trinh chiu dong dat.pdf | |
84 | Cover 5729-97 | Cover 5729-97.doc | |
85 | TCVN 4319:2012 | TCVN 4319-2012_908077.pdf | |
85 | QCVN 03:2023/BCA | QCVN 03:2023/BCA National technical regulation on fire protection equipments | 86 | QCVN 06:2022/BCA | QCVN 06:2022/BXD National Technical Regulation on Fire safety of Buildings and Constructions |
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